Square Meter
With consumers having to make do with less and less space, German DIY retailer HORNBACH wanted to prove that people don’t have to give up on even the most ambitious DIY dreams. To this end, HORNBACH has taken the symbolically small space of a single square meter and made it the basis for endless ideas and executions.
The Challenge
HORNBACH has established itself as the DIY retailer for large, ambitious projects in Germany and beyond. But as rent prices rise and living spaces shrink, fewer and fewer consumers feel they have room for them.
The Solution
We set out to show HORNBACH customers that great ideas can fit into any space – even the most defining small space of our time: the square meter.
Using the metric as a symbol of shrinking homes, HeimatTBWA\ redefined it by turning it into a canvas for boundless creativity, and in turn proved that even the smallest spaces have large potential.
In addition to the hero film, designers and artists from eight European countries—including Germany, Sweden, Slovakia, Austria, and the Netherlands—produced actual square-meter artworks for the supporting campaign. Their stories, and those of their designers, were told on social and digital supports.
The Results

Hornbach’s Handcrafted Ad Inspires the Most Out of Small Spaces