The Disruption® Index
Quantifying the cultural shifts shaping our world.
Edges are meaningful cultural shifts with the scale and longevity to help brands gain a greater share of the future. But which should brands focus on, and in what markets? Using the Disruption® Index, TBWA’s proprietary data product, we can now quantify the disruptive potential of each Edge.
Go ahead, give it a try…
Select your country below to see Edges mapped based on their momentum among consumers (Speed) and their likelihood to drive purchasing decisions in that category (Spend). The size of each Edge hexagon indicates its importance among consumers (Strength).
Click the Edges to learn more, and scroll down to see them compared.
Want to know more?
Discover your brand’s biggest opportunities with the Disruption Index. Contact [email protected]
How it works
Research metrics
In the Disruption® Index research, all of the Edges are measured in three dimensions: Strength, Speed & Spend.
Personal – Consumers who say an Edge is important to them.
Collective – Compared to a year ago, consumers state this Edge is growing faster.
Economic – Consumers are willing to pay more or switch brands in a category for an Edge.
Quadrant explanations
Each Edge is plotted on the quadrant with an index of Spend and an index of Speed.
This index equals the percent of respondents divided by the average across all categories and countries. This is then multiplied by 100 to ensure a consistent and easy to read scale.
So, an index of 100 would mean that the Speed or Spend for that Edge is equal to the average for the selected country. And an index of 80 can be read as “20% below average.” An index of 120 can be read as “20% above average” and so on.
Higher influence on willingness to spend or switch brands for (currently) specific segment(s) of consumers.
Opportunity: Brands can lean into these Edges for increased share within segment(s) or to broaden their relevance to the mass market.
Higher influence on willingness to spend or switch brands and relevant for an established majority of consumers.
Opportunity: Brands generally cannot “own” Dominant Edges, but can identify emerging themes within these Edges to differentiate themselves from competitors.
Lower influence on willingness to spend or switch brands for (currently) specific segment(s) of consumers.
Opportunity: Brands can invest in driving increased relevance and influence of the Edge to “own it” over time.
Lower influence on willingness to spend or switch brands; relevant for an established majority of consumers.
Opportunity: Brands can amplify the purchase influence of an Edge to drive differentiation and preference.
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Asheden Hill
Global Communications Director